Training Camp in Costa del Nottingham

Training Camp in Costa del Nottingham

The squad spent the beginning of April on camp in sunny (?!?) Nottingham. Promising weather the week before camp turned into freezing cold and windy conditions. For a change of scenery we travelled to Rudyard Lake in North Staffordshire for a couple of days away from Holme Pierrepont. Despite being promised that the lake never got rough, and our optimism as we drove through a blizzard that we would be met by mirror flat water, this wasn't to be and a speedy alternative was found for our training for the day when we were told it was too windy to go out on the water. A 60 minute power walk around the lake provided early entertainment, with Pippa and Fi leading the way with flawless technique. A spinning session at the local leisure centre kept us out of trouble before lunch, and in the afternoon we travelled to Audley Climbing Centre for a few hours of climbing. This mainly affirmed that none of the squad is built for rock climbing! The next day dawned bright and sunny, allowing us to get some good work done on the water. We returned to Nottingham to finish the camp with some hard pieces and some crew boat work to begin forming our racing crews for the summer.


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